Monday, September 17, 2007

The Damsel In This Dress

...err, better make that the damsel out of this dress...

She told him to just unzip her, but Grey Eagle just kept yanking...

"Yes!! Expose me trailside!!"

(aside: she's got a Barbie waist!)

The laws of physics and/or gravity apparently don't apply here.

Okay, you're surrounded by CACTUS and you're going to pull up your skirt???

At last, a clean, modest cover. I hope she got paid well, because that hair bow could haunt her indefinitely.

Happy Monday!


Bernita said...

~chortle, chortle~
Such faux coy...

Robyn said...

Gentle Rogue lady looks like she's about to barf.

And the White Nights woman? No one would expose anything on me unless I got to remove that corset! Gad that looks painful.

StarvingWriteNow said...

She's probably seasick, Robyn! Seriously, though, I used to own that book ages ago and when my ex saw it he said "Tits a-poppin'!" and that's all I can think of anymore.

Spy Scribbler said...

"Tits a-poppin??!" Hah! That cracks me up. Yeah, I'm trying to figure out what that rope is. He can't possibly be holding her, and himself, with just a hand!

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

I had to comment! Your user name is hysterical and I was crying when I came up to this post! Thanks for making my Monday!

StarvingWriteNow said...

Thanks for stopping by, ello!