Thursday, November 29, 2007


(Once I got singing, I just couldn't stop!!!)

1. Bob Rivers' "The 12 Pains of Christmas". It's a classic; my favorite line is "Now why the hell are they blinking??"

2. Twisted Sister's "Heavy Metal 12 Days of Christmas", complete with a tattoo of Ozzy! Rock on, guys!

3. Shrek's "12 Days of Christmas". Who wouldn't want "Five Onion Rings"?

4. Alan Sherman's "12 Gifts of Christmas". Though the Japanese Transister Radio sounded nice, I'd hold out for the Lady With The Clock In Her Stomach Where Her Belly Button Used To Be (or however it goes...).

5. Jeff Foxworthy's "Redneck 12 Days of Christmas". The "11 'Rasslin' Tickets" might be worthwhile, but that "12-pack of Bud" is tempting...

6. The "12 Days of Christmas Spirit", also known as the drinking version. Considering the first gift is a Long Island Iced Tea, I don't think I'd make it all the way to twelve!

7. The "12 Days of Christmas, Hawaiian Style". What wouldn't I do with "9 pounds of poi"??

8. The "12 Days After Christmas". Basically, the 7 Swans are pooping everywhere, the pear tree is cut down... chaos reigns.

9. Christopher Walken's "12 Days of Christmas". Courtesy of Crack'd Magazine, this is long pontificating on each of the gifts and you can totally envision Walken going on and on and on...

10. Bob and Doug MacKenzie's "12 Days of Christmas". "That's me on the organ!"

11. The "12 Thank-you Notes of Christmas". It starts out all nice, but by gift #12 our recipient is really pissed off, the cops have been called...

12. Muppet's "12 Days of Christmas." Not really a parody, but you've gotta love the "Ba-dum-bum-bum!" after Miss Piggy's soulful "Fiiiiivvvee Goooollllldddd Riiiiinnnnggggsss!"

13. William Wegman's "Fay's 12 Days of Christmas". This is actually a video (not much parody, but funny) showing Weimaraners Fay, Chundo, Crooky and Batty getting ready for the holidays. I love the scene on Day 7 when they go sledding, "down the hill, down the steep hill--LOOK OUT!"

I'm sure there are plenty more to choose from. If you know a good one, share!!


Robyn said...

I'm so glad you included Bob and Doug, my personal heroes. "...and a beer!..."

Spy Scribbler said...

Wow, the depth of your knowledge is scary! Scary to me, because I know nothing of what you know, LOL!

StarvingWriteNow said...

Hey, I am a font of useless trivia and information!

IM Cupnjava said...

I ADORE the 12 Pains of Christmas song! That doesn't get nearly enough airtime.