Monday, December 03, 2007


Warning: consumption of too much 'Christmas Cheer' can lead you to believe that wrapping yourself up as a present is a good idea.

It can also lead to clothing loss...

Bathtub misunderstandings with four-legged creatures...

...and a hangover that lasts at least eighteen years.
Happy Monday!


Robyn said...

That third one looks like a lame Lifetime Original Movie. "See, there's a poor loser who has moved after his fiancee dumps him. He likes his new neighbor, but so does his dog! The mutt invades her house and jumps her while she's taking a bubble bath...cause this isn't HBO, she has to have bubbles...anyway, the guy walks in on her instead of knocking on the door like any normal human! Hijinks ensue!"

Bernita said...

They're very twee, aren't they?
Hmmm, if I remember right, the story behind that third cover had a pickle festival/ornament in it...

StarvingWriteNow said...

Susan rethinks her "open door" policy when her neighbor Glenn uses his pooch to further their acquaintance...

Or, jealousy ensues when Susan prefers Mr. Pooch to Glenn!

StarvingWriteNow said...

Pickle festival? Gosh, how many ways could I take that?

(Euww!) LOL

Spy Scribbler said...

Writenow, your mind! LOLOL ... you and your pickles. :-)

LOLOLOL ... love the eighteen year hangover!

Jaye Wells said...

Came from Bernita. These are hilarious. I'll definitely be back for more.