Thursday, March 05, 2009


Believe it or not, when I'm not out saving the world from ruthless villains (snort!) or helping small children find books in the library stacks or going to school or my other job or cooking or cleaning house or doing laundry or saving baby kittens from high tree branches (double snort!) I manage to squeeze in relaxing time. I know, I know... I could use that time to compose better blog posts, right?

1. With very few exceptions, Friday night is "do-nothing" night. Son and I eat junk food, I drink a couple of beers and the TV is on something truly edifying like "Ghost Adventures" or "What Not To Wear."

2. I do needlework. Small projects are best because there's actually a possibility I will finish them.

3. Every once in a great while, I fill up the tub and take a bubble bath. I don't think I've done this since I moved here, though (must remedy that soon).

4. I snuggle with my man. (sigh... he is awesome.)

5. I walk the dog. Yes, exercise. I can't believe it either.

6. I watch movies I've seen a million times. There's something relaxing about knowing what's going to happen, not having to pay strict attention because you'll miss something, etc.

7. I virtual shop. I'll go on a website I like, or leaf through one of the catalogs I regularly get and mark off all the stuff I would buy if funds were unlimited.

8. I play with my kitties. Then I'll throw catnip down, get them all stoned-up and giggle while they "fight" with each other.

9. I read. (Of course.) Since I've started school unfortunately my reading tends to be textbooks, but I still manage to sneak in a good mystery or something here and there.

10. I put jigsaw puzzles together. I wish I had more time for this, because I love doing it.

11. I do the Sunday crossword (the Merl Reagle one, not the NYT one--please!). Two times, I am proud to say, I completed the entire thing.

12. I garden in summer. Pulling weeds can be very soothing.

13. I sit in a lawnchair in the sun and just "be." It's lovely.

What relaxes you?

1 Comment:

Spy Scribbler said...

I gotta tell you, relaxing is not one of my strengths. When I need to relax, I tend to waste time and feel guilty about it.

Instead, I need to start spending quality time relaxing, so that when I'm working, I'm working!