Friday, August 31, 2007

The End of Two Legends.

Today I read with dismay, heartache and a whole range of sadness that my online Snarkstress pals Missie and Robyn are retiring their blog. I only discovered them last fall through a link in another blog, and enjoyed their romance snark and observations of daily life so much I visited nearly every day to check up on them.

They are lovely, poetic, and wickedly humorous ladies and I shall miss them greatly. So much that I may have to search out a bad novel cover/title here and there just to keep the snark flowing. Hmm... but what to call those posts? Noxious Novels? Drama Disasters? Lousy in Love?

Hmm... not doing so well on the creativity department this morning. Suggestions?


Robyn said...

Legends? That's right, dammit. I'm a legend. Bow, peasants.

Thank you, sweetie. I've still got a whole disk of covers I'll send you, if you want!

StarvingWriteNow said...

Maybe you should keep the cd, Just In Case. But feel free to email me any ones you particularly love/hate! Address is:

(bowing, scraping, tugging forelock)