Monday, September 24, 2007

Here a leg, there a leg, everywhere a leg leg...

Legs must be a true difficulty for the average cover artist. Where to put them? How to position them? Up/down/open/closed/bare/covered/shoes/no shoes? Or, in the case of the following picks, what leg??

Granted, looking at the size of the tidal wave about to hit them, her missing leg is the least of their worries...

No feet. Bummer.

Okay, she has two of the same leg.

And one is coming out of his butt.

Okay, you could argue this one with me, but I say it's a post under her gown, not a leg!

Two legs blending into one. Plus the fact that she's got some strange cleavage going on there...

Happy Monday!


Robyn said...


OK, in Raven's Bride, John DeSalvo looks like he's wearing really grungy briefs. Ewwww.

StarvingWriteNow said...

Hey, they only changed clothes once a month back then!! Give the poor guy a break!

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

I've never thought of leg placement before but cracked up when I saw this. That is awesome! These poor artists - always worrying about cleavage, hairless chests and intertwining legs. Hee hee! You are now officially my MOnday morning pick up!

Bernita said...

I get toe cramps and an ache in my hip joint just looking at these!