Monday, September 29, 2008


"Why I declare! A plantation set right in the middle of its very own swamp! Do the 'gators and 'skeeters and the crazy overseer come with it? They do? Aw, sugarpie, you done thought of everything! Bless your little pea-pickin' heart!"


Rhonda Helms said...

dude...that's madness. hahahaha i love how it appears to be right ON the water--just in case we didn't get that it's a swamp locale. now there's a great location for ya.

StarvingWriteNow said...

Betcha fifty dollars they make love somewhere in the swamp, risking a few nips by the local gator population along the way...

Missie said...

On behalf of my home state of Louisiana, I would just like to say..."Ick!"

Spy Scribbler said...

Who is that guy behind the tree? Her other lover? LOL!

Robyn said...

Mah lands! That there crazy overseer is spyin' on us, honey lamb! I'm a-skeered!