Thursday, January 15, 2009


I don't think I need a Thursday Thirteen header graphic for this post; the images themselves are more than enough. I love looking at art. I may not understand it, but so much of it pleases me.

Tree of Life, Gustav Klimt
(one of my absolute favorites... especially "fulfillment", which is the right panel with the couple hugging. very affecting.)

Starry Night, Vincent Van Gogh
(the first painting I can remember truly liking.)

Spanish Couple, Pablo Picasso
(my sister has a print of this that I covet. such bold colors.)

Sunflowers, Vincent Van Gogh
(like sunflowers, like van gogh... it's a no brainer.)

The Oath of the Horatii, Jacques Louis David
(this is the first painting I had to learn for art history. when I went to the Louvre in 1987, this painting was in the same hallway as the Mona Lisa. My entire class was jockeying for position to see that daVinci and I'm down on the other end pointing and yelling, "HOLY SHIT! IT'S THE OATH OF THE HORATII!"

Sunday Afternoon at La Grande Jatte, George Seurat
(anyone who can paint an entire picture of dots gets my vote.)

Target With Plaster Casts, Jasper Johns
(the major giggle-factor here is that one of the plaster casts is a penis. okay, I officially have said "penis" on StarvingWriteNow.)
Chat Noir Poster, Theophile Alexandre Steinlen
(I like black kitties.)
Japanese Bridge, Claude Monet
(pretty and soothing. one day when my backyard grows up, I want it to look like this. okay, like one tiny corner of this.)

Almond Blossoms, Vincent Van Gogh
(again, love van gogh. this one just makes me start daydreaming.)

The Scream, Edvard Munch
(does anyone out there know whether or not this has been recovered? it was stolen about 3 years ago and I never heard if they found it or not.)
The Bath, Mary Cassatt
(we had an art auction game called "Masterpiece" when I was a kid. I swear, this painting wound up being the $1,000,000 one over and over.)

Luncheon of the Boating Party, Pierre Auguste Renoir
(everyone seems to be looking at someone else in this picture instead of who they are presumably with. it's just neat. and I keep waiting for old Toto to bite that lady.)

What images please you? Share in comments!


Anonymous said...

Cox Arboretum in Dayton has done a recreation of Monet's japanese garden. It's fantastic if you're ever down in that part of the state. :)

Elizabeth said...

I just decided today to order a print of that Monet to hang in my bedroom--very restful and serene. Love it.

How are you, btw? Are you still blogging? How's Mr. Honey and Baby Honey? Inquiring minds want to know!

Spy Scribbler said...

I typically like the gold, church artifacts most. I don't know why. The spirituality and ritual power of them pull at me. I enjoy paintings, but I tend towards sculpture and artifacts more. (You know that whole room in the art museum? Love that one!)

Elizabeth said...

another art form I particularly adore is architecture--but I figured a photo of a building just wouldn't come across in my blog; you really have to be at the building to appreciate all that architecture-funky-coolness, I think.

Robyn said...

Bernini's sculptures. Particularly his David. I think he, sculpts rings around Michelangelo.

Anonymous said...

Not blogging, but Mr. Honey and Baby Honey (who's the spitting image of Mr. Honey, except for my eyes) are both good, though mini-Mr. Honey is growing WAY too fast. :) Both of them are keeping me on my toes, LOL. Thanks for asking! :)