Sunday, October 07, 2007

Yes, I'm a little early with the Monday post. But I won't be around tomorrow, and I just couldn't leave you all in the lurch. Enjoy!

Just Call Me...

Edward Scissorhands

(just a little off the top, darling...)

David Copperfield

(nothing up my sleeve, but check out my pants!)

Billy Ray Cyrus

(this proves once and for all that mullets have a long and distinguished place in hairstyle history...)

Zombie Lover from 'Night of the Living Dead'
(...he's coming for you, Charlotte...)

Fembot. Or maybe She-Man.
(I feel pretty, oh so pretty...)

Captain Morgan.

(okay, he's cute enough to make me a drink.)

Loser (pronounced la-hoo-zuh-her, Ace Ventura style)
(not only did she give him a shiner, but she torched his chest hair!)

Ass Man
(yes, I know it's shadows, but damn! it's huge!)

Happy Monday!


Robyn said...

Ass man...bow to the majesty of the JDS boo-tay!

Bernita said...

~chortle, chortle~
Must say Defiant Captive makes me wonder if he's about to perform a mastectomy with that sword...

StarvingWriteNow said...


Bernita, I never noticed that--his blade is mightily close to the boob!

Robyn said...

John DeSalvo, pet. He's on two of these covers. A cover model potentate second only to Fabio.

Ello - Ellen Oh said...


So awesome!

Anonymous said...

hi. if authors had control over their book covers, would they choose any of the existing ones? who designs these things? have any of you met one? i wonder how they'd design oprah's current book club pick...Love in the Time of Cholera. anyway, thanks for the chuckles.