Sunday, November 18, 2007

Love, Terminated (Part 2)

Well, I loved those "strong scary types" from last week so much I decided to keep the love flowing and do another posting!
(Actually, I was scared if I didn't include them all they'd hunt me down and kill me...gulp)

Yes, the Magnate Terminator is baacck...
"Only I, with my superstar studmuffin pout, could pull off this shade of purple. See how this woman admires me? Admit it, you are jealous of my skills!"

(...and again! He sure is popular!)
"With my pouty lips I am far too sexy to share the cover with a mere woman! Bow to me! Bow to me now!!!"

"The blonde bitch didn't sign the pre-nup. So I offed her and took up with this comatose redhead, here. Give her enough Valium and she'll do anything I want."

"You--are--in--my--power! You will do the Macarena, the Chicken Dance, and the Electric Slide at the reception!"
And, just to be fair, let's flip that love coin over to the female side:

Just as the blades of the scissors plunged to the hilt he gazed into her blank eyes and realized Georgia was far, far more than a mere mannequin...


Robyn said...

HEE! I think the first one has a hernia, and is really hoping he doesn't have to carry her up the stairs.

StarvingWriteNow said...

HA!! Just from the weight of those lips, I'm sure!

Bernita said...

~snort, snicker~
He is quite the "pretty boy!"

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

These are great! You have the best commentary with these covers!

Spy Scribbler said...

You nailed the third one. He looks like he can barely put up with her! Gosh, I'd hate to have gotten that cover!

Missie said...

Why are they all mad, I ask you? Shouldn't falling in love, negotiating for a baby, seducing for the inheritance, etc at least bring a smile at some point? Just sayin.