Wednesday, January 23, 2008

May I ask a favor?

It's not much, just take a second of your time...

I need prayers, good vibes, positive waves, a few ohm's if you're so inclined.

Not just for my personal life which, as we all know, is in transition. Yeah, that's it. Transition.

But for my main goal of the moment, which is buying a house. I went house hunting, I got pre-approved... all that stuff. And I found a house that, the first second I saw it, I knew. I saw myself there, like a vision floating in front of my eyes.

(No, I'm not a crackpot. I've learned over the 40 years I've been on this earth to trust my instincts because most of the time they're spot on.)

The obstacle to my goal is this: the home is in foreclosure, and as of this minute apparently no one knows who exactly is responsible for it and who has the combination for the lock box so I can get inside and look around and I don't want to get busted for trespassing if I jump the fence to look in all the windows... it's complicated.

Yes, I've seen another house that is nice and probably affordable. But I don't want to make a decision in haste just because it's easier. I want to make the right decision--even if it takes longer and I'm stuck living with FS longer. I'm frustrated and worried and I just wish things would go my way. I've been asking God for guidance, praying for patience, trying to think positive all the time about it.

It's hard.

So, if you've got a hot second today (and tomorrow, and all week, and...) would you mind sending a good thought or two over here? I sure would be grateful.


Robyn said...

Prayers for you, my friend. And may I also say that the $100 or so that you spend for a home inspection is the best money you'll ever part with? We were set to buy a house that looked good- and we got to see the inside- when our home inspector found out that all the heating/cooling ducts were rotted and were blowing mold into the air.

Bernita said...

You have them.

Barrie said...

Sending, sending, sending...

Spy Scribbler said...

Been thinking of you every morning when I light my candle. :-) Will definitely continue.

Are we still on Friday? No DH. I need to talk to human! I'll probably be there all day. :-)

dlyn said...

Hi - stumbled across your blog from a comment you made on another blog - love your blog and I will be back to check you out some more. As for the foreclosure - that is how we got our house and it was worth all the waiting. Hope it works out the same for you!

Rhonda Helms said...

You got it, lady!!!

StarvingWriteNow said...

Thanks, all. I definitely feel better & will keep you posted!

Spy, I may be able to get there around 1 or so; depends on a meeting I have at work.